Update 5 – Briefing on Concept of Operations (ConOps) & Steering Committee Meeting

Since kick-starting the KUL A-CDM Implementation Project back in April 2022, the Project Task Force along with the Subject Matter Experts and the Main Contractors have been continuously engaging with the project stakeholders.

A key aspect of the engagement is for the development of the KUL A-CDM Concept of Operations (ConOps). In this initiative, senior Persons-in-Charge with background and experience in operations were appointed by each stakeholder to be involved in the ConOps Development Workshops.

In the ConOps, the A-CDM process will be defined for all stakeholders involved in A-CDM at KUL. It covers all A-CDM Milestones and describes the required operational step during normal operations as well as adverse conditions at the airport, giving all involved stakeholders the right guidance to an effective, efficient and resilient airport operation.

The development of the ConOps was conducted via a consultative approach, in which the views and needs of all stakeholders are taken into account. In short, the KUL A-CDM ConOps is the result of the hard work and collaboration between all project stakeholders.

While there are some PICs who are also involved in the project as Change Agents, there are some Change Agents who have been involved mainly on managing change within their organisations, while the collaboration in the ConOps Development Sessions were handled by their colleagues from their respective companies.

Therefore, a briefing session was conducted on the morning of 17th November to get the Change Agents familiarised with the KUL A-CDM ConOps, which was finalised within that week.

For the Arrival portion of A-CDM, it was presented by Mr Mohamed Yazed bin Yahaya from MAHB’s Airport Operations Control Centre. Shahir Hassan Alsadat Shukrran Hilmi Alsadat then took over the session to present the Turnaround portion, while the Departure portion was handled by Mr Mohd Nazlin Bakrullazi.

In every milestone, the following information pertaining to the milestone is shared:

  • Summary
  • Preconditions
  • What needs to be done
  • Involved stakeholders
  • Involved tools

The experts from T-Systems Germany – Michael Mowinski, Holger Feldhaus and Markus Buiven – were also present to answer additional questions from the Change Agents and provide additional clarity where required.

After a quick lunch, the Project Steering Committee Meeting was held in the same function room. As usual, the project director from the main contractor updated the Project Steering Committee on the progress and challenges faced by the project.

Within the next 30-45 days, the dates of Awareness Seminar #4 as well as Train-the-Trainer (TTT) sessions will be announced and held soon. This is part of the ‘Preparation for Trial’ phase, to prepare all operational stakeholders as we move towards the Trial Run for KUL A-CDM.

The Project Task Force is looking forward to be reunited with the Change Agents and PICs soon.

