Update 4 – Awareness Seminars 2 & 3 (Malaysia Aviation Group & CAAM)

The progress of the KUL A-CDM Implementation Project continues to be on-schedule with regards to the Change Management and Awareness activities. Empowered with the insights and knowledge gained from the recent Stakeholder Management Training, the Change Agents have now brought the Awareness Seminars closer to the airport community by hosting it right in their operations offices.

The 2nd Awareness Seminar is held in Malaysia Airlines’ Flight Management Building, KLIA on 5th October 2022. It was split into 3 sessions throughout the day to facilitate discussions and accommodate the busy work schedules of the operational staff. It is a joint effort between Malaysia Airlines Group and the KUL A-CDM Project Team.

Before the morning session began, participants were treated to a sumptuous Nasi Lemak and Chicken Rendang breakfast made by MAS Awana. After a short ice-breaking session led by the emcee, the participants received a detailed briefing from Michael Mowinski (T-Systems) regarding A-CDM which includes lessons learned from previous A-CDM implementations.

The Change Management Lead for the project also shared the implementation roadmap with the audience which led to a round of Q&A with the participants. Towards the end, a Kahoot Quiz was also held to test the participants understanding of what has been presented during the session.

On 16th November 2022, the KUL A-CDM Project Task Force, working committees as well as some change agents and operations staff from stakeholders were privileged to have also attended the 3rd Awareness Seminar at the recently-launched Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre (KLATCC).

Co-organised and hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), the event was held in the auditorium and was also split into 3 sessions.

Facilitated by Dukhan, one of the Change Agents appointed by CAAM, he also brought to light that among the many reasons why A-CDM is needed in KUL is because there is no single source of truth, and that there are different understanding of terms among airport stakeholders. This challenge is not unique to KUL, and with further explanation from the speakers, we are confident that the participants attained better understanding of A-CDM by the end of the day.

Besides listening to Michael Mowinski’s presentation, the participants also had the opportunity to meet and mingle with the other 2 key T-Systems experts from Germany – Holger Feldhaus and Markus Buiven.

